
Welcome to Vigo! Non official touristic guide.

Welcome to Vigo, the biggest city of Atlantic Coast in Galicia. If you have just arrived for the first time , you need some basic information. Vigoblog is going to forgive you a brief guide about the city.

Points of interest:
- Visit the purifying station in Coruxo (take C15 bus) It was awarded by the European Union. You can enjoy a paradisiac place with a lovely flavour.
- Have a walk along the intermitent boulevard of Gran Vía. Don´t worry if you are the unique peasant. Local people prefers the "beirarrua" It´s a folk note. Be careful with cars!
- Visit the old city (Casco vello) You can see there the ruins of the ancient founders of the city. In Berbes´place big canvas covers splendid buildings. You can not see them but you can imagine them. It´s better.
- Visit our major. She lives in Vilaboa (a little town near Vigo). Ask in the bus station.
- And , by the way, if you need to buy a flat or a house ask for APROIN. No, it is not a man. It is like... a mafia? , you know?

Where eat? Where sleep?
Wherever you want. We have no commisions.

More information:
See "Vigoblog" posts and translate into your mother language.

2 comentarios:

  1. Spiking in silver: beautifull town, beautifull flavour, beautifull major, beautifull mafia (?), beautifull buildings no built yet: beautifull post. All is beautifull in de this world, the best world in the world. Wonderfull, I think, you know?
    To learn the travel agencies (ou como se diga).
    Decía o mariñeiro aquel, dirixíndose dende o peirao de Trasatlánticos ao colega do Queen Mary que ía atracar:
    -Ei, ti; bota a estacha!
    -Sorry, I dont understand you...
    -Imos ver, o: Yu espikinglis?
    -Oh, yes...
    -E logo, por qué non bota-la estacha?
    Sonche cousas da Life.



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